Welcome to the audio home page for CONFERENCE of the BIRDS, a weekly radio program/podcast featuring a heterogeneous, intra-continental mix of music, poetry, speech, and song. Released from the wan perniciousness of the ’global village’, the birds are assembled in concert/consort here for a free recital of juxtaposed, contrastive, intermingled musics, and for phases, forms, and statements of musical redress, recalcitrance, recumbence, renewal, revolt, repair, revolution...and more. Listen weekly for a new ensemble of classical, folk, ritual, spiritual, avant-garde, experimental, religious, popular, poetic, political, party-able, danceable sounds and songs, in various genres, forms, formats, and styles, ranging from free-jazz, flamenco, and Javanese gamelan to field recordings, folk songs, and Indian film music, to salsa, samba, disco, Raï, Algerian cha’abi and be-bop. Conference Of the Birds (COB) airs LIVE, Friday evenings, 9:00 - 12:00 midnight, Eastern USA time, on WRFI and WINO (Ithaca/Odessa), community radio for Central New York and the Finger Lakes. Broadcasting to the world on the net via www.wrfi.org and Radio Garden: https://radio.garden/listen/wrfi-ithaca-community-radio/0N0fROGD#google_vignette. Episodes are available 24/7 online. Always free, commercial free, and free of commercial, corporate, or capitalist intent.

Monday May 22, 2023
Conference of the Birds, 4-28-23
Monday May 22, 2023
Monday May 22, 2023
THIS WEEK's BIRDS: Nelly Pouget; Egyptian classical vocal from Aziza Galal; Abade al Johar (the "Octopus of Oud"); Experimental trio work fro, Arild Andersen, Edward Vesala & Jan Garbarek and Olga Chung, Munir Bashir & Rabih Abou-Khalil; Herbie Nicholls; poems from Eleni Sikelianos & Faiz Ahmed Faiz; Florian Arbenz, Greg Osby & Arno Krijger; Manzanita sings Lorca; more canto condo from Mariana de Cádiz, Argentina Flamenco, Lebrijano, and Pansequito; Andrew Cyrille Quartet; Sahrouai music from Teita Lebid; Mariem Hassan; and much, much more ...!
LISTEN LIVE: Friday nights, 9:00pm-MIDNIGHT (EST), in Central New York on WRFI: 88.1FM Ithaca, 89.7FM Odessa, 91.9FM WINO Watkins Glen. and WORLDWIDE online at WRFI.ORG.
via PODBEAN: https://conferenceofthebirds.podbean.com/
via iTUNES: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/conference-of-the-birds-podcast/id478688580
Also available at podomatic, Internet Archive, podtail, iheart Radio, and elsewhere.
Always FREE of charge to listen to the radio program and free also to stream, download, and subscribe to the podcast online:
and via the Conference of the Birds page at WRFI.ORG
Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/conferenceofthebirds/?ref=bookmarks
FIND WRFI on Radio Garden: http://radio.garden/visit/ithaca-ny/aqh8OGBR
Contact: confbirds@gmail.com

Tuesday May 16, 2023
Conference of the Birds, 4-21-23
Tuesday May 16, 2023
Tuesday May 16, 2023
THIS WEEK's BIRDS: Arabo-Andalusian vocalist Nassima; dhrupad from le famille Mallik; vintage soukous from Papa Wemba; from Angola: Sara Chaves; Rob Brown and Daniel Levin (duo); new Music from Jane Bunnett et al. new music from David Virelles et al.; salsa from Sonora Ponceña & Tony Pabon; Jorge Humberto (Cape Verde) address Covid; Archie Shepp w. Jeanne Lee teal. (ca. 1969); new music from OGJB Quartet and Sonic Liberation Front (Both w/ Oliver Lake); 2 from Sélébéyone; Taylor Ho Bynum; and much, much more ...!
LISTEN LIVE: Friday nights, 9:00pm-MIDNIGHT (EST), in Central New York on WRFI: 88.1FM Ithaca, 89.7FM Odessa, 91.9FM WINO Watkins Glen. and WORLDWIDE online at WRFI.ORG.
via PODBEAN: https://conferenceofthebirds.podbean.com/
via iTUNES: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/conference-of-the-birds-podcast/id478688580
Also available at podomatic, Internet Archive, podtail, iheart Radio, and elsewhere.
Always FREE of charge to listen to the radio program and free also to stream, download, and subscribe to the podcast online:
and via the Conference of the Birds page at WRFI.ORG
Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/conferenceofthebirds/?ref=bookmarks
FIND WRFI on Radio Garden: http://radio.garden/visit/ithaca-ny/aqh8OGBR
Contact: confbirds@gmail.com

Saturday May 06, 2023
Conference of the Birds, 4-14-23
Saturday May 06, 2023
Saturday May 06, 2023
THIS WEEK's BIRDS: Rent Romas Life's Blood Ensemble; Rajna Swaminathan; Chris Schilder (aka Ibrahim Khalil Shihab) Quintet; Tuareg pop from Kader Tarhanine; vintage Egyptian pop from Ettab; Sudanese pop from Abdel Aziz El Mubarak; Ahmed Abdullah's Diaspora; vocal raga from Bhimsen Joshi; raga on clarinet from Jaffar Hussain Randhawa; vintage bop from The Young Lions (Wayne Shorter, Frank Strozier, Lee Morgan, Bobby Timmons, Bob Cranshaw, Albert Heath and Louis Hayes); more bop from Lee Morgan and Bobby Jackson; vintage Ethio pop from Alemayehu Eshete and Ayalew Mesfin; Abyssinia Band; compositional post-contemporary jazz from Charles Brackeen; from Brazil: Maria Rita, Mallu Magalhães, Marilia Medalha; plus much, much more ...!
LISTEN LIVE: Friday nights, 9:00pm-MIDNIGHT (EST), in Central New York on WRFI: 88.1FM Ithaca, 89.7FM Odessa, 91.9FM WINO Watkins Glen. and WORLDWIDE online at WRFI.ORG.
via PODBEAN: https://conferenceofthebirds.podbean.com/
via iTUNES: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/conference-of-the-birds-podcast/id478688580
Also available at podomatic, Internet Archive, podtail, iheart Radio, and elsewhere.
Always FREE of charge to listen to the radio program and free also to stream, download, and subscribe to the podcast online:
and via the Conference of the Birds page at WRFI.ORG
Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/conferenceofthebirds/?ref=bookmarks
FIND WRFI on Radio Garden: http://radio.garden/visit/ithaca-ny/aqh8OGBR
Contact: confbirds@gmail.com

Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Conference of the Birds, 4-7-23
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
THIS WEEK's BIRDS: Xiomarra Torres; Thelonious MonkNonet live in France; cross-cultural collaboration from Famoudou Don Moye w. Baba Sissoko & Maurizio Capone et al.; Bill Dixon; Group Lhssan Bouri (from Morocco); from Brazil: Silvio Fraga & Letieres Leite, Djalma Pires, and Jennifer Souza; Isaura Garcia; Gabriela Mendes; newly remastered Belita Palma; Nigerian disco from Florence Adouni; Anthony Williams; Tyshawn Sorey; Oriental Brothers International; Roberto Ottaviano reprises Dallar Brand (Abdullah Ibrahim); Cheick Tidiane Seck reprises Randy Weston; El Gran Grupo (salsa from Colombia); plus much, much more ...!
LISTEN LIVE: Friday nights, 9:00pm-MIDNIGHT (EST), in Central New York on WRFI: 88.1FM Ithaca, 89.7FM Odessa, 91.9FM WINO Watkins Glen. and WORLDWIDE online at WRFI.ORG.
via PODBEAN: https://conferenceofthebirds.podbean.com/
via iTUNES: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/conference-of-the-birds-podcast/id478688580
Also available at podomatic, Internet Archive, podtail, iheart Radio, and elsewhere.
Always FREE of charge to listen to the radio program and free also to stream, download, and subscribe to the podcast online:
and via the Conference of the Birds page at WRFI.ORG
Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/conferenceofthebirds/?ref=bookmarks
FIND WRFI on Radio Garden: http://radio.garden/visit/ithaca-ny/aqh8OGBR
Contact: confbirds@gmail.com

Sunday Apr 23, 2023
Conference of the Birds, 3-31-23
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
THIS WEEK's BIRDS: Sara-Kaba Orchestra from Tchad; Eri Yamamoto; Macha Gharibian; Charles Tyler; Amazigh music/poetry from Ali Faiq; music from Mali (Aminata Wassidjé Traoré; Sibiri Samaké; Bony Pascal); Atlas (Moroccan() pop from Najat Aatabou; Mohammed Abd el Mutaleb (Egyptian classical); Müslüm Gürses; Necmettin Öksüz; Naima Samih; Ould Baba; Joel Ross; Ahmed Adaweia; Andrew Hill; Thumbscrew; Maria & Magdalena Filatovi; Srimati Nandini Sharma; Salim Halali; plus much, much more ...!
LISTEN LIVE: Friday nights, 9:00pm-MIDNIGHT (EST), in Central New York on WRFI: 88.1FM Ithaca, 89.7FM Odessa, 91.9FM WINO Watkins Glen. and WORLDWIDE online at WRFI.ORG.
via PODBEAN: https://conferenceofthebirds.podbean.com/
via iTUNES: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/conference-of-the-birds-podcast/id478688580
Also available at podomatic, Internet Archive, podtail, iheart Radio, and elsewhere.
Always FREE of charge to listen to the radio program and free also to stream, download, and subscribe to the podcast online:
and via the Conference of the Birds page at WRFI.ORG
Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/conferenceofthebirds/?ref=bookmarks
FIND WRFI on Radio Garden: http://radio.garden/visit/ithaca-ny/aqh8OGBR
Contact: confbirds@gmail.com

Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Conference of the Birds, 3-24-23
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
THIS WEEK's BIRDS: vintage Balinese Gamelan; vintage Adb el Halim Hafez; new music from Kaze & Ikue Mori; new Maui; new music from Wadada Leo Smith; new music from James Brandon Lewis; Ensemble Tiéng Hàt Quê Hùong (from Vietnam); Harold Vick & Orchestra; Jaska Lukkarinen Trio; Wayne Shorter x 2 (RIP); vintage Senegalese mbalax from Xalam; new, recent, and vintage Roma music from Romania (Romica Puceanu; Fărâmiță Lambru & Maria Tănase), the former Yugoslavia (Neat Gasi) and elsewhere (Kadri Moni); New from Mali: Coumba Sira Koïta; plus much, much more ...!
LISTEN LIVE: Friday nights, 9:00pm-MIDNIGHT (EST), in Central New York on WRFI: 88.1FM Ithaca, 89.7FM Odessa, 91.9FM WINO Watkins Glen. and WORLDWIDE online at WRFI.ORG.
via PODBEAN: https://conferenceofthebirds.podbean.com/
via iTUNES: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/conference-of-the-birds-podcast/id478688580
Also available at podomatic, Internet Archive, podtail, iheart Radio, and elsewhere.
Always FREE of charge to listen to the radio program and free also to stream, download, and subscribe to the podcast online:
and via the Conference of the Birds page at WRFI.ORG
Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/conferenceofthebirds/?ref=bookmarks
FIND WRFI on Radio Garden: http://radio.garden/visit/ithaca-ny/aqh8OGBR
Contact: confbirds@gmail.com

Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Conference of the Birds, 3-17-23
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
THIS WEEK's BIRDS: Belita Palma; Pablo Neruda via Pino Minafra; Zacamandú; Henri Texier; Teta Lando; new Taarab via Jahazi Modern; Tito Paris; Music of Mexico via Diego el Cigala; nueva cancion via Violeta Parra; Minneapolis free jazz via Carei Thomas Feel Free Ensemble; new music from James Brandon Lewis; new music from Aruan Ortiz, Brad Jones & John Betsch; vintage Persian piano from Morteza Mahjoubi ; vintage cha'abi/kabyle via Akli Yahyaten; Aruna Sayeeram (Carnartic vocal); Jorge Pardo w. Mohammed Nasser et al.(music from Granada Spain) plus much, much more ...!
LISTEN LIVE: Friday nights, 9:00pm-MIDNIGHT (EST), in Central New York on WRFI: 88.1FM Ithaca, 89.7FM Odessa, 91.9FM WINO Watkins Glen. and WORLDWIDE online at WRFI.ORG.
via PODBEAN: https://conferenceofthebirds.podbean.com/
via iTUNES: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/conference-of-the-birds-podcast/id478688580
Also available at podomatic, Internet Archive, podtail, iheart Radio, and elsewhere.
Always FREE of charge to listen to the radio program and free also to stream, download, and subscribe to the podcast online:
and via the Conference of the Birds page at WRFI.ORG
Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/conferenceofthebirds/?ref=bookmarks
FIND WRFI on Radio Garden: http://radio.garden/visit/ithaca-ny/aqh8OGBR
Contact: confbirds@gmail.com

Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Conference of the Birds, 3-10-23
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
THIS WEEK's BIRDS: Shirley Scott; Amir el Saffar & Rivers of Sound; Elis Regina welcomes Spring; Amazigh poetry/music from Rkia Talbensirt; Farida Khanum sings Bengali music; Tanya St. Val (vintage Zouk!); new music from Rajna Swaminathan; Jose Mauro; Abel Lima; new salsa from La Pambelé; Eric Vloeimans & Will Holzhäuser (trumpet/accordian duo); Orchestre Regional de Mopti; Kébendo Jazz; The Feel Trio (Cecil Taylor, William Parker, Tony Oxley); Carlo Actis Date; twaarab from Rajab Suleiman & Kithara; David Harvey; Lady Issa; Empopo Loway Deyesse; Don Pullen; RSS Boy 1 w. Waclaw Zimpel; and much more ...!
LISTEN LIVE: Friday nights, 9:00pm-MIDNIGHT (EST), in Central New York on WRFI: 88.1FM Ithaca, 89.7FM Odessa, 91.9FM WINO Watkins Glen. and WORLDWIDE online at WRFI.ORG.
via PODBEAN: https://conferenceofthebirds.podbean.com/
via iTUNES: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/conference-of-the-birds-podcast/id478688580
Also available at podomatic, Internet Archive, podtail, iheart Radio, and elsewhere.
WRFI/WINO has improved and expanded its signal, and can now be heard on one of our frequencies from Northern Pennsylvania to Lake Ontario!!!
Always FREE of charge to listen to the radio program and free also to stream, download, and subscribe to the podcast online:
and via the Conference of the Birds page at WRFI.ORG
Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/conferenceofthebirds/?ref=bookmarks
FIND WRFI on Radio Garden: http://radio.garden/visit/ithaca-ny/aqh8OGBR
Contact: confbirds@gmail.com

Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Conference of the Birds, 2-24-23
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
THIS WEEK's BIRDS: Nara Leão, Joyce, Amelinha (MPB); Uruguayn jazz from Hugo Fattoruso et al.; Mary Lou Williams (from her mass); Keith and Julie Tippett; Ukandanz (new); Balimaya Project; Ivo Perelman w. quartet (Ray Anderson, Joe Morris, Reggie Nicholson); Djely Mamou Kouyatee; vintage Malian rumba from Orchestre Paillote; clarinet music (demitiki) from Northern Greece (Nikos Gouvas and Athanasios Haros); Arsenio Rodriguez; rembetika from Stelios Kazantzides; cha'abi from Amar el Achab and Mazouni, plus cha'abi/kabyle from Akli Yahyaten; Kyriakos Sfetsas w. Greek Fusion Orchestra; and much more ...!
Full playlist HERE
LISTEN LIVE: Friday nights, 9:00pm-MIDNIGHT (EST), in Central New York on WRFI: 88.1FM Ithaca, 89.7FM Odessa, 91.9FM WINO Watkins Glen. and WORLDWIDE online at WRFI.ORG.
via PODBEAN: https://conferenceofthebirds.podbean.com/
via iTUNES: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/conference-of-the-birds-podcast/id478688580
Also available at podomatic, Internet Archive, podtail, iheart Radio, and elsewhere.
WRFI/WINO has improved and expanded its signal, and can now be heard on one of our frequencies from Northern Pennsylvania to Lake Ontario!!!
Always FREE of charge to listen to the radio program and free also to stream, download, and subscribe to the podcast online:
and via the Conference of the Birds page at WRFI.ORG
Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/conferenceofthebirds/?ref=bookmarks
FIND WRFI on Radio Garden: http://radio.garden/visit/ithaca-ny/aqh8OGBR
Contact: confbirds@gmail.com

Saturday Mar 04, 2023
Conference of the Birds, 2-17-23
Saturday Mar 04, 2023
Saturday Mar 04, 2023
THIS WEEK's BIRDS: Vocal Raga from Sangeeta Bandyopadhyay; three versions of "Lamma Bada Yatathanna" (Dozan; Gordon Grdina's Haram; and Shaykh Sayyid al-Safti ca. 1930s; flamenco from Manuel de Angustías; Alfredo Tejada & Paco Vidal; new experimental musics from Patrica Brennan et al; Simon Lucaciu; Was Way Collectif from Mali; vintage Wassilou singers Nahawa Doumbia & Ami Koïta; jazz from Muriel Grossman; Tiziana Ghiglioni w. Steve Lacy et al. (jazz vocal); avant-garde jazz from Mario Pavone; Dave Holland; William Parker... and much more ...!
Full playlist HERE
LISTEN LIVE: Friday nights, 9:00pm-MIDNIGHT (EST), in Central New York on WRFI: 88.1FM Ithaca, 89.7FM Odessa, 91.9FM WINO Watkins Glen. and WORLDWIDE online at WRFI.ORG.
via PODBEAN: https://conferenceofthebirds.podbean.com/
via iTUNES: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/conference-of-the-birds-podcast/id478688580
Also available at podomatic, Internet Archive, podtail, iheart Radio, and elsewhere.
WRFI/WINO has improved and expanded its signal, and can now be heard on one of our frequencies from Northern Pennsylvania to Lake Ontario!!!
Always FREE of charge to listen to the radio program and free also to stream, download, and subscribe to the podcast online:
and via the Conference of the Birds page at WRFI.ORG
Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/conferenceofthebirds/?ref=bookmarks
FIND WRFI on Radio Garden: http://radio.garden/visit/ithaca-ny/aqh8OGBR
Contact: confbirds@gmail.com