Welcome to the audio home page for CONFERENCE of the BIRDS, a weekly radio program/podcast featuring a heterogeneous, intra-continental mix of music, poetry, speech, and song. Released from the wan perniciousness of the ’global village’, the birds are assembled in concert/consort here for a free recital of juxtaposed, contrastive, intermingled musics, and for phases, forms, and statements of musical redress, recalcitrance, recumbence, renewal, revolt, repair, revolution...and more. Listen weekly for a new ensemble of classical, folk, ritual, spiritual, avant-garde, experimental, religious, popular, poetic, political, party-able, danceable sounds and songs, in various genres, forms, formats, and styles, ranging from free-jazz, flamenco, and Javanese gamelan to field recordings, folk songs, and Indian film music, to salsa, samba, disco, Raï, Algerian cha’abi and be-bop. Conference Of the Birds (COB) airs LIVE, Friday evenings, 9:00 - 12:00 midnight, Eastern USA time, on WRFI and WINO (Ithaca/Odessa), community radio for Central New York and the Finger Lakes. Broadcasting to the world on the net via www.wrfi.org and Radio Garden: https://radio.garden/listen/wrfi-ithaca-community-radio/0N0fROGD#google_vignette. Episodes are available 24/7 online. Always free, commercial free, and free of commercial, corporate, or capitalist intent.

Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Conference of the Birds, 11-10-23
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
THIS WEEK's BIRDS: new music from Karl Evangelista, Mendoza Hoff Revels; Diego Amador; Matthew Shipp; Kadef Abgi; quiet music from Angelica Sanchez (w. Trio); Hungarian post-bop from Borbély Mihály; vintage cante jondo from Dolores de Cordoba; Lole y Manuel; arabic song from Tallal Madah; experimental mouwshahfrom Mahmoud Turkmani; weeping song fro Burma./ Myanmar; from Mali: Idrissa Soumaoro, Rail Band; from. Guinea: Inna Baba Coulibaly; raga from Sultan Khan & Zakir Hussain much more!!!!
Catch the BIRDS live on Friday nights, 9:00pm-MIDNIGHT (EST), in Central New York on WRFI: 88.1FM Ithaca, 89.7FM Odessa, 91.9FM WINO Watkins Glen. and WORLDWIDE online at WRFI.ORG. 24/7 at
via PODBEAN: https://conferenceofthebirds.podbean.com/
via iTUNES: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/conference-of-the-birds-podcast/id478688580
Also available at podomatic, Internet Archive, podtail, iheart Radio, and elsewhere.
Always FREE of charge to listen to the radio program and free also to stream, download, and subscribe to the podcast online:
and via the Conference of the Birds page at WRFI.ORG
Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/conferenceofthebirds/?ref=bookmarks
FIND WRFI on Radio Garden: http://radio.garden/visit/ithaca-ny/aqh8OGBR
Contact: confbirds@gmail.com

Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Conference of the Birds, 10-20-23
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
THIS WEEK's BIRDS: new music from James Brandon Lewis; new quartet work from Ivo Perelman, Ray Anderson, Joe Morris, Reggie Nicholson; salsa from La Pembélé & Tabaco; legendary Cuban pianist Alfredo Rodriguez; Jay Hoggard live; from Egypt: Fayza Ahmed, Ahmed Adaweia; Tunisian actress and singer Louisa Tunisia; vintage music from Ana Caram, Joãozinho da Goméia; vintage Dino Saluzzi; Prince Nico Mbarga & Shora Mbema; much more!!!!
Catch the BIRDS live on Friday nights, 9:00pm-MIDNIGHT (EST), in Central New York on WRFI: 88.1FM Ithaca, 89.7FM Odessa, 91.9FM WINO Watkins Glen. and WORLDWIDE online at WRFI.ORG. 24/7 at
via PODBEAN: https://conferenceofthebirds.podbean.com/
via iTUNES: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/conference-of-the-birds-podcast/id478688580
Also available at podomatic, Internet Archive, podtail, iheart Radio, and elsewhere.
Always FREE of charge to listen to the radio program and free also to stream, download, and subscribe to the podcast online:
and via the Conference of the Birds page at WRFI.ORG
Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/conferenceofthebirds/?ref=bookmarks
FIND WRFI on Radio Garden: http://radio.garden/visit/ithaca-ny/aqh8OGBR
Contact: confbirds@gmail.com

Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Conference of the Birds, 10-13-23
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
THIS WEEK's BIRDS: from Cabo Verde: Antonio Sanches; Tchiss Lopes; Bana; post-bop from Larry Young; Jaki Byard; new archival release of Infinite Sound; from Mali Ami Koïta; vocal work from Cory Smythe; Tembang Sunda from Likungan Seni Malati Ida; Gamelan "Gong Kebyar" from Bali; Sundanese pop from Detty Kurnia; Ahmed Hamza and Ali Riahi (from Tunisia); Jason Stein, Raleigh Dailey & Tim Daisy; new music from Aly Eissa et al.; much more!!!!
Catch the BIRDS live on Friday nights, 9:00pm-MIDNIGHT (EST), in Central New York on WRFI: 88.1FM Ithaca, 89.7FM Odessa, 91.9FM WINO Watkins Glen. and WORLDWIDE online at WRFI.ORG. 24/7 at
via PODBEAN: https://conferenceofthebirds.podbean.com/
via iTUNES: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/conference-of-the-birds-podcast/id478688580
Also available at podomatic, Internet Archive, podtail, iheart Radio, and elsewhere.
Always FREE of charge to listen to the radio program and free also to stream, download, and subscribe to the podcast online:
and via the Conference of the Birds page at WRFI.ORG
Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/conferenceofthebirds/?ref=bookmarks
FIND WRFI on Radio Garden: http://radio.garden/visit/ithaca-ny/aqh8OGBR
Contact: confbirds@gmail.com

Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Conference of the Birds, 10-6-23
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
THIS WEEK's BIRDS: new music form Angelika Niescier; Floros Floridis x 2; Roma song from Esma, Divna Lazarova; Greek song from Stavros Kabanis, Petroloukas Chalkas; Romanian flute music from Rapsozii Gorjului; Joseph Daley w. Earth Tones; Bill Dixon w. 17 musicians; vintage light music from Ustad Chhotey Ghulam Ali Khan; new music from Md After Hussain & Pas; Diego 'el Cigala'; Persian pop (Googoosh); Baul musical Kurdish music; Sun Ra; Charles MacPherson; salsa from. Joey Pastrana, Celia Cruz & Johnny Pacheco; much more!!!!
Catch the BIRDS live on Friday nights, 9:00pm-MIDNIGHT (EST), in Central New York on WRFI: 88.1FM Ithaca, 89.7FM Odessa, 91.9FM WINO Watkins Glen. and WORLDWIDE online at WRFI.ORG. 24/7 at
via PODBEAN: https://conferenceofthebirds.podbean.com/
via iTUNES: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/conference-of-the-birds-podcast/id478688580
Also available at podomatic, Internet Archive, podtail, iheart Radio, and elsewhere.
Always FREE of charge to listen to the radio program and free also to stream, download, and subscribe to the podcast online:
and via the Conference of the Birds page at WRFI.ORG
Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/conferenceofthebirds/?ref=bookmarks
FIND WRFI on Radio Garden: http://radio.garden/visit/ithaca-ny/aqh8OGBR
Contact: confbirds@gmail.com

Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Conference of the Birds, 9-29-23
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
THIS WEEK's BIRDS: South African jazz from Joe Malinga; The Jazz Doctors (Bang, Lowe, Charles, Garrett); Cameroonian singer, actress, seamstress, and poet Liza Nfwa; from Ethiopia: Aselfech Ashine & Getenesh Kebret; The Abyssinia Band; Les Amazons de Guinée; Don Cherry; from Greece: Nikos Karakostas; Poly Panou; Algerian cha'abi from Akli Yahyatene; This is Our Language Quartet (Amado, McPhee, Kessler, Corsano); Dorothy Ashby; new music from Nova Jazzers w. Munir Bashir & Rabbi Abou-Khalil; much, much more ...!
LISTEN LIVE: Friday nights, 9:00pm-MIDNIGHT (EST), in Central New York on WRFI: 88.1FM Ithaca, 89.7FM Odessa, 91.9FM WINO Watkins Glen. and WORLDWIDE online at WRFI.ORG.
via PODBEAN: https://conferenceofthebirds.podbean.com/
via iTUNES: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/conference-of-the-birds-podcast/id478688580
Also available at podomatic, Internet Archive, podtail, iheart Radio, and elsewhere.
Always FREE of charge to listen to the radio program and free also to stream, download, and subscribe to the podcast online:
and via the Conference of the Birds page at WRFI.ORG
Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/conferenceofthebirds/?ref=bookmarks
FIND WRFI on Radio Garden: http://radio.garden/visit/ithaca-ny/aqh8OGBR
Contact: confbirds@gmail.com

Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Conference of the Birds, 8-25-23
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
THIS WEEK's BIRDS: Tunisian vocalist Ghalia Benali (w. Romina Lischka & Vincent Noiret); Kenyan legend Mbaraka Mwinshehe; from Haiti: Emeline Michel, Beethova Obas; vintage rumba from Les Pionniers De La Musique Congolaise De Leopoldville à Kinshasa & Lucie Eyenga; Joe Morris; Roy Campbell; Prince Lasha; Barney Wilen in Morocco; from Senegal: Orchestre Baobab; Star No. One; Star Feminine Band; from Mali: Orchestre National Badema; from Ethiopia: Mary Armede; Syrian vocalist Mayada el Hennawy; much, much more ...!
LISTEN LIVE: Friday nights, 9:00pm-MIDNIGHT (EST), in Central New York on WRFI: 88.1FM Ithaca, 89.7FM Odessa, 91.9FM WINO Watkins Glen. and WORLDWIDE online at WRFI.ORG.
via PODBEAN: https://conferenceofthebirds.podbean.com/
via iTUNES: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/conference-of-the-birds-podcast/id478688580
Also available at podomatic, Internet Archive, podtail, iheart Radio, and elsewhere.
Always FREE of charge to listen to the radio program and free also to stream, download, and subscribe to the podcast online:
and via the Conference of the Birds page at WRFI.ORG
Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/conferenceofthebirds/?ref=bookmarks
FIND WRFI on Radio Garden: http://radio.garden/visit/ithaca-ny/aqh8OGBR
Contact: confbirds@gmail.com

Sunday Sep 10, 2023
Conference of the Birds, 8-4-23
Sunday Sep 10, 2023
Sunday Sep 10, 2023
THIS WEEK's BIRDS: Bahr Abu Gresha (Nile singer); Norbert Stein w. Pata Masters; Joy Guidry; Karl Evangelists's Apura (new); Michael White (vintage); Richard Davis; from Japan: Edobayashi Hozonkai; from Java: Nasida Ria; Francis Wong; from Bangledesh: Viswanatah Das Bâul; from Palestine: Henna Al Haj Hasan & Delia Arts; Indian saxophone from Kadri Gopalnath & Pravin Godkhindi; Roma vocal from Eleni Vitale; rembetika vocal from Marika Ninou; from Mâroc (Morocco): Ensemble Laaroussi Lahcen; much, much more ...!
LISTEN LIVE: Friday nights, 9:00pm-MIDNIGHT (EST), in Central New York on WRFI: 88.1FM Ithaca, 89.7FM Odessa, 91.9FM WINO Watkins Glen. and WORLDWIDE online at WRFI.ORG.
via PODBEAN: https://conferenceofthebirds.podbean.com/
via iTUNES: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/conference-of-the-birds-podcast/id478688580
Also available at podomatic, Internet Archive, podtail, iheart Radio, and elsewhere.
Always FREE of charge to listen to the radio program and free also to stream, download, and subscribe to the podcast online:
and via the Conference of the Birds page at WRFI.ORG
Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/conferenceofthebirds/?ref=bookmarks
FIND WRFI on Radio Garden: http://radio.garden/visit/ithaca-ny/aqh8OGBR
Contact: confbirds@gmail.com

Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Conference of the Birds, 7-28-23
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
THIS WEEK's BIRDS: vintage Fela; new Asher Gamedze; Florence Adoonio; Leo Genovese et al.; Christopher Parker & the Band of Guardian Angels; McCoy Tyner; Duke Pearson; Sisonke Xonti; Sangeeta Bandyopadhyay; Ornette Coleman;Jason Kao Hwang's Critical Response; Marta Sanchez; Banda Maravilha; Felipe Mukenga; Amanda Cabral; Vania Abreu; Baby Gonzalez & Orquesta Riviera; Sejouba Kania Kouyaté; much, much more ...!
LISTEN LIVE: Cheikh M'hamed ElankaFriday nights, 9:00pm-MIDNIGHT (EST), in Central New York on WRFI: 88.1FM Ithaca, 89.7FM Odessa, 91.9FM WINO Watkins Glen. and WORLDWIDE online at WRFI.ORG.
via PODBEAN: https://conferenceofthebirds.podbean.com/
via iTUNES: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/conference-of-the-birds-podcast/id478688580
Also available at podomatic, Internet Archive, podtail, iheart Radio, and elsewhere.
Always FREE of charge to listen to the radio program and free also to stream, download, and subscribe to the podcast online:
and via the Conference of the Birds page at WRFI.ORG
Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/conferenceofthebirds/?ref=bookmarks
FIND WRFI on Radio Garden: http://radio.garden/visit/ithaca-ny/aqh8OGBR
Contact: confbirds@gmail.com

Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Conference of the Birds, 7-21-23
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
THIS WEEK's BIRDS: Cheikh M'hamed Elanka; Fay Victor; Kyriakos Sfetsas & Greek Fusion Orchestra; Greek clarinet from Tassos Halkias; Henry Cow; Ahi Nana; vintage Algerian vocals from Saloua; vintage Moroccan pop from Jil JIlala; Donald Byrd w/ chorus; Sonic Liberation Front w. Oliver Lake; Famille Nguyên Van Mùi de Hanoi; recent Ida Widawati; Clifford Jordan (new release, old recording); Bhopal & Kelassi Bhopa; raga from Kishori Amonkar; Dimitrios Lantzos; much, much more ...!
LISTEN LIVE: Cheikh M'hamed ElankaFriday nights, 9:00pm-MIDNIGHT (EST), in Central New York on WRFI: 88.1FM Ithaca, 89.7FM Odessa, 91.9FM WINO Watkins Glen. and WORLDWIDE online at WRFI.ORG.
via PODBEAN: https://conferenceofthebirds.podbean.com/
via iTUNES: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/conference-of-the-birds-podcast/id478688580
Also available at podomatic, Internet Archive, podtail, iheart Radio, and elsewhere.
Always FREE of charge to listen to the radio program and free also to stream, download, and subscribe to the podcast online:
and via the Conference of the Birds page at WRFI.ORG
Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/conferenceofthebirds/?ref=bookmarks
FIND WRFI on Radio Garden: http://radio.garden/visit/ithaca-ny/aqh8OGBR
Contact: confbirds@gmail.com

Saturday Aug 19, 2023
Conference of the Birds, 7-14-23
Saturday Aug 19, 2023
Saturday Aug 19, 2023
THIS WEEK's BIRDS: Smiley Winters; Thurman Barker et al.; Susana Baca; Ana Moura; Rita Payés & Elisabeth Roma; Jovelina Perola Negra; Baden Powell & Vinicius de Moraes; The Barry Harris Sextet; Beaver Harris + Don Pullen 360 ° Experience; May Damba; Kerala Kante; Fred Moten w. Brandon López & Gerald Cleaver ; JazzPoetry Ensemble w. Kidd Jordan; Purnima Chaudhuri,; much, much more ...!
LISTEN LIVE: Friday nights, 9:00pm-MIDNIGHT (EST), in Central New York on WRFI: 88.1FM Ithaca, 89.7FM Odessa, 91.9FM WINO Watkins Glen. and WORLDWIDE online at WRFI.ORG.
via PODBEAN: https://conferenceofthebirds.podbean.com/
via iTUNES: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/conference-of-the-birds-podcast/id478688580
Also available at podomatic, Internet Archive, podtail, iheart Radio, and elsewhere.
Always FREE of charge to listen to the radio program and free also to stream, download, and subscribe to the podcast online:
and via the Conference of the Birds page at WRFI.ORG
Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/conferenceofthebirds/?ref=bookmarks
FIND WRFI on Radio Garden: http://radio.garden/visit/ithaca-ny/aqh8OGBR
Contact: confbirds@gmail.com